SWAHA YOGA & Yogatravel and Beyond
Eines unserer ganz frischen und neuen Reiseangebote in diesem Jahr ist SWAHA Yoga mit Ron und Marla aus Toronto. Wir freuen uns riesig über die gemeinsame Reise und wollen Euch die Beiden, ihren Werdegang und SWAHA hier etwas genauer vorstellen.
Marla & Ron
Marla Meenakshi Joy und Ron Reid haben ein sehr vielfältiges und einzigartiges Yoga Repertoire. Neben ihren regelmäßigen Yoga Klassen in ihren zwei eigenen Studios in Toronto, Kanada, sind sie weltweit unterwegs und unterrichten seit mehr als 20 Jahren. Ihr Stil ist ein Mix aus Vinyasa und Ashtanga.
Zusätzlich haben sie eine eigene Band, SWAHA, und haben deshalb die Möglichkeit, ihre Yoga Klassen ganz individuell mit ihrer eigenen Musik zu begleiten. Besonders Sawasana wird dadurch zu einem einmalig schönen Erlebnis. Eine einzigartige Kombination!
Die Yoga Praxis ist Marla und Ron als Ganzes besonders wichtig. Die richtige Ausrichtung, Yoga auch außerhalb des Kursraumes und der 8gliedrige Pfad spielen dabei eine große Rolle. Ron und Marla legen großen Wert darauf, dass jeder sich voll entfalten kann und alle Level bei ihren Stunden mitmachen können. Ihr Heimatstudio DOWNWARD DOG ist in Toronto, Kanada, und gehört dort seit 1997 zu den TOP 10 Yoga Studios. Die beiden geben mehrmals im Jahr Teacher Trainings, ihr Programm ist weltweit bekannt und hoch angesehen und in diesem Jahr gehen sie nun auch auf Reise mit #yogatravelandbeyond.
Ron und Marlas Musik ist inspirierend und aufbauend zugleich. SWAHA lädt die Zuhörer nicht nur ein mit zu singen und Spaß zu haben, sondern auch die Seele soll dabei sein und wird angesprochen. Gesungen wird auf Sanskrit, die Songs sind Ohrwürmer mit rhytmischer, mitreißender Musik.
SWAHAs Musik ist inspirierend, mitreißend und aufbauend. Überzeugt Euch einfach selbst!
Über Ron
Seit über 30 Jahren praktiziert Ron Reid Yoga. Er ist Direktor von Downward Dog, eines der TOP 10 Yoga Studios in Kanada. Er hat noch bei Sri K. Pattabhi Jois und Sharath persönlich gelernt und war einer der ersten kanadischen Lehrer, welcher von Sri K. Pattabhi Jois zugelassen wurde. Neben seinen regelmäßigen Kursen bei Downward Dog unterrichtet Ron weltweit Workshops, Teacher Trainings und Yoga Klassen und gehört zu gern gesehen Gästen auf sämtlichen Festivals und Conferences.
Sein Unterricht ist inspirierend, informierend und nicht dogmatisch. Dabei achtet er auf die individuellen Wünsche und Bedürfnisse jedes einzelnen Schülers. Er sieht das Ashtanga Vinyasa System als Basis, auf welchem er mit seinen Schülern aufbaut. Verbunden mit Tradition, Präszision und Dankbarkeit ist der Unterricht herausfordernd und lohnend.
Ron hat als erster Lehrer das Mysore Programm nach Kanada gebracht und unterrichtet es dort seit 1997 bei Downward Dog.
“I learn and continue to learn from such a great Master…
the importance of stability and balance,
of creating length in the spine,
of helping students reach their maximum potential and feeling empowered as they progress in their practice.
Thank you.“
Über Marla
Marla ist Direktorin von Downward Dog Yoga Centre. 1988 reiste sie zum ersten Mal nach Indien und studierte Meditation und die Philosophie der Veden mit Swami Shyam und anderen Lehreren. Sie ist zertifizierte Meditation,- und Yoga Philosophie Lehrerin, ausgebildet am International Meditation Institute in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, Himalayas.
Seit 1999 unterrichtet sie Schüler in Teacher Trainings, sowohl in Yoga Philosophie und Sanskrit, als auch Vinyasa und Restorative. Bislang hat sie über 500 Stunden Teacher Trainings absolviert, zu ihrern Lehrern gehörten u.a. Ron Reid, Chuck Miller und Maty Ezraty, dazu ist sie ein Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher.
Seitdem unterrichtet sie Ashtanga Yoga, Swaha Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yogadance, Meditation, Yoga philosophy, Sanskrit und Chanting privat und in Yoga studios in Kanada, den USA, Europa und Asien. Bereits seit 1993 ist sie außerdem Shiatsu Therapist und Mysore-Lehrerin(Self-Practice).
Marla und Ron geben außerdem Kirtan Konzerte mit ihrer Band SWAHA und haben zahlreiche CDs veröffentlicht.
“You have influenced my thinking to such a great extent. I am
so grateful for the calmness you have brought and continue to bring to my mind and soul. You have deepened my appreciation on the impact of our thoughts, and how our thoughts influence our individual universe. I am very grateful for your spiritual guidance and teachings. Thank you.Thank you for letting me be part of the DWD family.Namaste!“
Ihr wollt unbedingt ein Teil dieses großartigen Momentums sein und gemeinsam mit Ron und Marla sowohl Yoga als auch die SWAHA Music zelebrieren? Sichert Euch jetzt Euren Platz und meldet Euch hier für dieses Reiseerlebnis an. Wenn ihr noch mehr Eindrücke zu den beiden erhalten wollt, findet ihr bald einige Videos der beiden in Ihrem Teacherprofil.
Euer yogatravel & beyond Team
*english version
Marla Meenakshi Joy and Ron Reid teach a variety of different types of yoga classes and workshops which are Ashtanga and Vinyasa based. They have taught around the globe for more than 20 years.
With their band SWAHA they have been leading kirtan and are true “shavasana wallahs!” and teach yoga and music in a unique combination.
Inspired by Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga, (and the vinyasa practice as a whole) they inform it with intelligent natural body alignment principles, SWAHA YOGA is designed ultimately to tap the creative spark within, and approach the Yoga practice as a Whole (8-limbed path).
Their home studio DOWNWARD DOG is based in Toronto and has been a destination for yoga since 1997 and belongs to the TOP 10 yoga studios in Canada. They are Master teachers, and their Teacher Training program is top notch and well known around the world.
Ron Reid and Marla Meenakshi Joy perform and compose music that is both inspiring and uplifting.
SWAHA invites the soul to sing, it is an enticing blend of ethereal Sanskrit vocals soaring over rich earthy rhythms. Swabhava is the Sanskrit word for „one’s innate disposition or nature which is inherent in all Beings.
SWAHA YOGA embodies the qualities of “Exploration“, “Playfullness“ and “Self-connection and expression“.
Ron Reid and Marla Meenakshi Joy encourages each individual to explore their full potential in themselves, on all levels.
SWAHA music is inspiring and uplifting…. SWAHA’s soulfulness and grooves invites the soul to sing!
Ron has been practicing yoga for over 30 years and teaching since 1988. He is co-owner and director of the Downward Dog Yoga Centre in Toronto, Canada. He has studied with Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and Sharath both in India and North America and was one of the first Canadian teachers to be authorized by Pattabhi Jois. In addition to regular classes at Downward Dog, he conducts workshops and teacher trainings in Canada, the U.S., Europe, the U.K. and Asia, and is becoming a familiar face at conferences around the world.
Ron is one of Canada’s top teachers, approaching teaching in an inspired, informed and non-dogmatic way. He places the needs of the students ahead of the demands of the practice. While continuing to teach and practice the ashtanga vinyasa system as a foundation, he endeavours to blend tradition with innovation and to balance precision with grace. Students will find his refined approach to practice both challenging and rewarding.
Ron developed Downward Dog’s mysore program in 1997, making it the first of its kind in Canada. As an experienced practitioner of Ashtanga’s Primary, Intermediate and Advanced series, Ron has sought to share his respect for the natural intelligence of the body and his intuitive understanding of anatomy as it applies to yoga with his students. Ron has shared his insights in the Mysore room with students from all over the world, providing for each the possibility of innovation, stability and transformation in a ‘traditional’ yoga practice.
Marla, co-owner and co-director of Downward Dog Yoga Centre, first traveled to India in 1988 to study meditation and the philosophy of the Vedas with Swami Shyam as well as other learned scholars in the Himalayas. Marla is a Certified Meditation and Yoga Philosophy teacher from the International Meditation Institute in Kullu, Himachal Pradesh, Himalayas.
She has been teaching in teacher training programs since 1999, as both a teacher of Philosophy and Sanskrit, Vinyasa Yoga and Restorative Yoga. With completing over 500 hours of Teacher Training with Ron Reid, Chuck Miller and Maty Ezraty, among others, and is a Yoga Alliance Certified Teacher.
Since then she has been teaching Ashtanga Yoga, Swaha Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yogadance, Meditation, Yoga philosophy, Sanskrit and Chanting privately and in yoga studios in Canada, the U.S., the U.K., Europe and Asia. As a practicing Shiatsu Therapist since 1993, and teacher of Mysore (Self-Practice) around the globe, Meenakshi has a healing and informative touch.
She also leads Kirtan (call-and-response chanting) with her band SWAHA, in inspired musical compositions along with her partner/keyboardist, Ron Reid. They have produced several CDs of Sanskrit chanting entitled, Prayers, Salutations, Vishnu’s Dream, Bolo!, Shanti Pulse, and their newest CD, Gone Beyond.
LOVE NOTES about the Teacher Training with Marla & Ron
“There are no words to express how GRATEFUL I am for the Teacher Training. Ron and Marla are such incredible translators of the tradition. I am still processing the new and old information, I understand now more than ever how critical mysore is to my development both as a student and teacher. I have had the honour to experience the grace and intelligence of Ron and Marla. Wow. Thank You”
“I wanted to give my feedback on the TT module 2. It was awesome. Such a great group of participants. Ron and Marla are the best teachers I have ever had in my life (and I had a lot). So open to sharing everything they know, so supportive, so positive. Yesterday after my 20 minutes of teaching five poses to the class, Ron gave me such a good feedback, very constructive and very encouraging. I think I will remember this moment for the rest of my yoga teaching career – it was so emotionally charged for me, it made me believe in myself. I now feel like I felt when I finished my university so many years ago – I was so empowered to go and do what I learned and so full of positive energy.”
“This is where the teachers have passed on an art that is so delicate yet scientific and very pragmatic. Ron and Marla each have over 30 years of experience teaching yoga.
Loved learning in depth about the ashtanga tradition and the My-Sore style of practice. The training was amazing and dedicated to hands on adjusting techniques working in Mysore as well as therapeutics with people who have special needs (injuries etc).
This was an intense program (80 hours in a week) that I recommend to all teachers.
Find out about the truth on Ashtanga via Ron Reid And let your learning of therapeutics enhance with Marla Meenakshi Joy as they both bridges the marriage of Iyengar and Ashtanga Yoga to find balance in teaching.”
“Thank you so much for a wonderful week. I walk away refreshed with so many new perspectives and insights on the art of hands on. Worth the “intensive” 80 hours in 8 days. Hard work pays off. Loved every bit of it and highly recommend this training to all teachers. Thank you Marla & Ron. Namaste 🙂 xox-“
“I did a ton of research before choosing a teacher training and looked into both local and international programs before committing to Downward Dog. It was also unanimous amongst my friends and teachers in the yoga community that Downward Dog was the way to go and I can say without hesitation that Marla, Ron, and everyone involved in the Downward Dog YTT thoroughly exceeded my high expectations. The curriculum included philosophy, anatomy Sanskrit, asana, history, meditation, Pranayama, and more, and each was so thoroughly and conscientiously taught that I am actually in awe of how much we were able to learn within the month. The kindness and professionalism of the studio management made everything run so smoothly and it felt as though I was a part of a really special and enlightened community. Having completed the 200-hour program I feel that I have come away with the literature and resources I need to continue to read, learn, and grow as a yoga teacher and practitioner, and I am so excited to continue on this path. I would strongly recommend Downward Dog to anyone interested in doing their YTT. I feel proud to be able to call myself a graduate of this exceptional program. “