ASHTANGA YOGA SOMMER RETREAT mit Dr. Melanie und Dr. Ronald Steiner 2023-2024-past-retreats 2024-past-retreats Greece Griechenland
Jivamukti und Bhakti Yogaretreat mit Céline Ryf – Power of Simplicity 2023-2024-past-retreats 2024-past-retreats Céline Ryf Greece Griechenland
JIVAMUKTI UND YIN YOGA RETREAT mit Jessina O’Connell und Valerie Kornasoff-Jahn 2023-2024-past-retreats Greece Griechenland Jessina O’Connell Valerie Kornasoff-Jahn
JIVAMUKTI YOGARETREAT with Magali Lehners & Jeremy Buchet 2023-2024-past-retreats 2024-past-retreats English Retreats Greece Griechenland Jeremy Buchet Magali Lehners
Jivamukti Intensive – Yogaretreat with Petros Haffenrichter and Martyna Febre 2023-2024-past-retreats 2024-past-retreats English Retreats Greece Griechenland Martyna Eder Petros Haffenrichter
Jivamukti Yoga Spirit Wake-Up Retreat with Petros Haffenrichter 2023-2024-past-retreats 2024-past-retreats Griechenland Petros Haffenrichter
Vinyasa Yogatherapie Retreat mit Bitta Boerger 2023-2024-past-retreats 2024-past-retreats Greece Griechenland
JIVA BHAKTI JAM with Petros, Erhard & Friends 2023-2024-past-retreats 2024-past-retreats Bhakti English Retreats Greece Griechenland Jivamukti Meditation Petros Haffenrichter
(RE)TREAT YOURSELF MIT STINE LETHAN 2023-2024-past-retreats 2024-past-retreats Greece Griechenland Stine Lethan
Ashtanga Therapeutics Retreat <span class="pt_splitter pt_splitter-1">with Bryce Delbridge and Joey Paz</span> 2024 2025 2025-retreats Bryce Delbridge English Retreats Greece Griechenland Joey Paz
Reconnect to the Source: Jivamukti Yoga & Bhakti Retreat mit Thomas Zielinski 2025 2025-retreats Greece Griechenland
JIVAMUKTI UND YIN YOGA RETREAT mit Jessina O’Connell und Valerie Kornasoff-Jahn 2025 2025-retreats Greece Griechenland Jessina O’Connell Valerie Kornasoff-Jahn
JIVAMUKTI YOGA RETREAT with Magali Lehners & Alexandra Colombo 2025 2025-retreats Alexandra Colombo English Retreats Greece Griechenland Magali Lehners